At MuscleEgg, we strive to get your order shipped to you as quickly as possible and without issue. We only ship brand-new, unopened products. However, we know that mistakes are made from time to time and want to make sure that you get what you ordered. If you receive incorrect or damaged product, we do offer a refund or replacement. You must make a request for this within 14 days of receiving your MuscleEgg. Refunds and/or replacements will be determined on a case by case basis because of the nature of the product. Unfortunately, shipping charges cannot be refunded.

If you receive clothing that is the wrong size or damaged, an exchange or refund may be offered. Clothing must be returned in its original condition. Returns for clothing that has been worn or washed cannot be accepted. Contact us for return shipping info if you want to make a return or exchange on clothing.

Sale items are subject to the same return policy as non-sale items. Refunds, if any, will be given based on the sale price of the item.

If you received the wrong product or your product arrived damaged in some way, please call MuscleEgg customer service by phone 855-289-6872 or email [email protected]. Please do not try to ship product back to us without contacting us first. Refunds will be applied to the card that you paid with and should show up within 3-5 business days depending on your bank.

MuscleEgg is made with real egg whites and is therefore perishable. To minimize issues you might have, please be sure that the product is stored in a freezer or fridge below 38 degrees as soon as possible after receiving your package. This will ensure that your product stays fresh. Because of their perishable nature we can only guarantee their freshness beyond 14 days if they are kept refrigerated below 38 degrees.

Please contact us with any questions regarding returns or replacements.

[email protected]