MuscleEgg is made from cage-free eggs!
Beginning in 2019, you may have noticed a new symbol on our products indicating that they are made from 100% cage-free eggs. That’s because as a health-conscious company, we don’t only care about your health, but the health of our hens as well. MuscleEgg only uses cage-free eggs from our approved, supplied, and certified cage-free, partner farms, with the highest animal welfare certifications in the industry.
Why did we decide to do this?
MuscleEgg is dedicated to doing the best we can for our customers, employees, fans, and yes…even the hens that lay the eggs that become MuscleEgg. That’s why all our eggs come from hens that have the highest quality care throughout their entire life cycle. All of the farms supplying MuscleEgg eggs are cage-free.
How will this affect our customers?
The only way this affects our customers is that it gives them the extra peace of mind to know that MuscleEgg comes from cage-free hens. If you’ve ever shopped the egg section in the grocery store (and who hasn’t?), then you’ve noticed the price difference between regular eggs and cage-free eggs. Don’t worry though! We’re keeping the same affordable prices that we’ve had for years, so you’re just getting more value with your MuscleEgg.
Know your food
Of course, part of the reason people love MuscleEgg is that it’s a real food from a real farm. We know that you want to know what’s in your food and we’ve always believed in transparency, so that our customers know exactly what they’re consuming. The protein you get from MuscleEgg is “Nature’s best protein” – egg whites. It’s absorbed by your body better than most anything else on the market with 100% bioavailability and contains all 9 essential amino acids making it a complete protein as well. While cage-free eggs don’t offer any nutritional or flavor advantages, you can rest easy knowing that the health and well-being of the hens is important to us.